2011年2月20日 星期日

How does McDonald utilize its brand to add value on their products?

McDonald's value proposition introduced by their founder, Ray Kroc, many years ago: McDonald's stands for "friendliness, cleanliness, consistency, and convenience."

Friendliness: They use Ronald McDonald and his friends as their representative cartoon characters so that the whole brand becomes more energetic and can build a closer relationship with the customers, especially the youngsters.

Cleanliness: Being an international chain restaurant, it adopts a strict quality control scheme to ensure the cleanliness of raw material of food. Therefore, it can raise the reputation among the customers.

Consistency: The menu of McDonald restaurants are the same at least in each city/ country in order to make customers become loyal to their brand and will not confuse with brand products.

Convenience: As McDonald is a fast food restaurant, its main selling point is their convenience of having meal here. And in the recent years, it tries to develop many additional services to maximize its “convenience” of getting and eating food from them, e.g. extend its opening hour to 24 hours and food delivery service.

All of the above value can effectively add value to their brand and hence its products. So that people would make McDonald as their first choose of having meal.

1 則留言:

  1. the "value proposition" spoken by the founder is totally a different thing with "added values" of products. We should analyse the "text"(the branding, the interior design, the ads, the products...), but not what the founder or the company says.

    And consumerism means much more that "added value".

    you may refer to the analysis by apple group(http://applegroup123.blogspot.com/2011/02/consumerism-apple.html) for further inspirations.

